Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, May 24, 2010

Happy Victoria Day

MONDAY, MAY 24, 2010

Queen Victoria was born on this day in 1819. Her full name was Alexandrina Victoria. It's a good thing she went by the name Victoria. Queen Alexandrina just doesn't have the same ring too it, does it?

Bonjour Sixteeners. I am writing this from beautiful Quebec City. As I wrote in my last posting, I will be here for a week. It is sunny and warm here. Who could ask for anything more?


The Jays won yesteday, and what a slugfest it was! They overpowered Arizona by a score of 12-4. As pleased as I am with the Blue Jays so far this season, I'm even more impressed with the Tampa Bay Rays. If they keep this up, they are going to be extremely difficult to beat in the AL East.

The Montreal Canadiens face elimination tonight It's certainly going to be interesting. Can they do it? I think it's unlikely. They are behind 3 games to 1, but stranger things have happened. I wouldn't bet on it though. However, I really hope I'm wrong. As I've mentioned before, I would like to see a Montreal-Chicago final. Chicago seems to be a team on a mission. I have to say that those Hawks seem very hungry. My head says they will win it all.

- Joanne