Toronto Blue Jays

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Lou Gehrig's speech


“Fans, for the past two weeks you have been reading about a bad break. Yet today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the Earth.”

- Lou Gehrig
From his farewell speech at Yankee Stadium, July 4, 1939

For the full text of Gehrig's speech, click on the link below.

On this day in 1941 Yankee great Lou Gehrig died at the age of 37 of ALS, also known as Lou Gehrig's disase. New York's magnificent first baseman was called the "The Iron Horse" because he was so durable. He played in 2,130 consecutive games. His streak of consecutive games began on June 2 1925 (yes, June 2, eight-five years ago) when he filled in for Wally Pipp who sat out a game. According to a popular story, Pipp didn't play that day because he had a migraine headache and Yankee manager Miller Huggins inserted young Lou Gehrig into the lineup. Recent evidence, however, suggests the story is a fabrication. For whatever reason, Wally Pipp did not play that day and his career was effectively derailed. After the 1925 season, the Yankees sold him to the Cincinnati Reds for a $7,500 waiver price. Wally Pipp died in 1965.

To watch a video about Lour Gehrig's speech at Yankee Stadium, click on the link below.


Jerry Mathers, better known as the Beaver, was born on this day in 1948. Golly, Beav, I can't believe you are 62 years old. I still visualize you as a little boy wearing a baseball cap. By the way, whatever happened to that creepy Eddie Haskell?

Now that we're on the subject of Leave It To Beaver, I'd just like to mention that the show ran from October 4, 1957 until September 12, 1963. It's appropriate that it went off the air just prior the assassination of JFK and before the Beatles appeared on Ed Sullivan's show. Can you imagine Leave It To Beaver in the hippie era of the later 1960s? I just can't see June Cleaver performing her domestic duties in a mini-skirt. Can you? Nah! I don't think so. June was more suited to her pearls and prim dresses. In one episode, however, she actually wore slacks when the family went on an outdoor vacation.


Not to take anything away from the Tampa Bay Rays, but the Blue Jays lost a game they should have won last night. Brian Tallet pitched a good 6 2/3 innings. The Jays seemed to have the game in control until the disastrous 7th inning. The bullpen was shaky, particularly Jason Frasor. Nevertheless, when closer Kevin Gregg came to the mound in the 9th inning, the Jays still had the game within their grasp. They were leading 5-3. Gregg, however, completely lost his control, physically and mentally. He walked one batter after another. By the time the Jays came up in the bottom of the 9th, the score was 7-5 in favour of Tampa Bay. The Jays didn't quit. They came up with one more run. It wasn't enough and they lost by a score of 7-6.

- Joanne