Toronto Blue Jays

Sunday, June 6, 2010

SUNDAY, JUNE 6, 2010

Anybody here seen my old friend Bobby?
Can you tell me where he's gone?
I thought I saw him walkin' up over the hill,
With Abraham, Martin and John

- From the song "Abraham, Martin and John"
Lyrics by Marvin Gaye

On this day in 1968, Senator Robert F. Kennedy died after being gunned down by an assassin in a Los Angeles hotel. He had just won the California primary and was on his way to becoming the Democratic candidate for president of the United States. The final words of his victory speech still ring in my ears . . . "Now it's on to Chicago - and let's win there!"

Bobby, of course, never made it to Chicago for the Democratic Convention. His party chose Senator Hubert H. Humphrey of Minnesota as its presidential nominee. Humphrey went on to lose the 1968 election to one Richard Milhous Nixon.

I know it's hypothetical, but I can't help wondering what would have happened if Robert Kennedy hadn't been assassinated. He probably would have won the presidency and Richard Nixon would never have reached the White House. There never would have been a Watergate scandal. Yes, I realize that this is all moot and purely academic, but sometimes a person can't help wondering . . . Sometimes it's very amusing and highly enlightening to ask "what if" questions.


Today is the 66th anniversary of D-Day. the Allied invasion of Europe. On this day in 1944, Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy. Codenamed Operation Overlord, it was the largest invasion force in military history.


Well, the Blue Jays took two out of three games from the New York Yankees. Of course I would have preferred a sweep of the Pinstripes, but two out of three isn't bad at all. I was at the game on Friday night and it was great to see a bigger crowd at the dome. There's more energy and excitement. Jose Bautista was sensational as he blasted two more homers. I don't know how long he can keep this up, but I'm really impressed. If the seasoned ended today, he would deserve to be the American League's MVP. He leads the league with 18 home runs. However, the season doesn't end today. I just hope Bautista continues to play well.

Yesterday, the Blue Jays defeated the Yanks 3-2 in a 14-inning marathon. This afternoon, in the final game of the series, they were defeated by a score of 4-2. They were winning 2-0 until the bullpen came into the game. It was unfortunate for Brandon Morrow because he pitched a really good game and didn't get a win. That's baseball!

Chicago and Philadelphia go at it again tonight in the Stanley Cup playoffs. Philly appears to have the momentum, but I hope a return to the Madhouse on Madison will help the Blackhawks.

- Joanne