Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, June 14, 2010

Paris, the City of Light

MONDAY, JUNE 14, 2010

"Paris sera toujours Paris!"
Paris will always be Paris!

I first listened to that old Maurice Chevalier song during a high school history class and I have never forgotten it. It comes to mind because on this day in 1940, German troops entered Paris during World War II. Seventy years ago, there were Nazis marching through the streets of the City of Light and carrying swastika banners. To a teenager, seventy years may seem like an eternity and 1940 may seem like the Dark Ages. However, in the scheme of human history, seventy years is not a long time. Such is the irony of war that today Germany and France enjoy cordial relations and they are both members of the European Union.

When I toured Paris in the summer of 2004, it was very difficult to imagine that the evil of Nazism had once infested one of the most beautiful and romantic cities in the world. Not quite three years had passed since 9/11 when I visted the Eiffel Tower for the first time. Yet, I was still a bit stunned to witness young soldiers with machine guns guarding the Paris landmark. Having lived in Toronto all my life, I had never before seen soldiers with machine guns. In 1940, no one could have envisioned that in 2001 there would be a terrorist attack on some twin towers in New York City. As the French say, "Plus ca change . . .


Well, the Blue Jays lost all their games in Denver. They were swept by the Colorado Rockies and they leave the Mile High City on a low note. Sigh. Why can't they win against National League teams? Until they improve their record against the NL, they will not be serious contenders. Like it or not, interleague play is a reality and not likely to cease anytime soon.

- Joanne