Toronto Blue Jays

Thursday, June 17, 2010



I never dared be radical when young
For fear it would make me conservative when old.

- Robert Frost {1936}

This poem by Robert Frost is short, but does it ever have impact! It plays with the nottion that it is normal and necessary for youth to rebel and that when we age we always become more conservative in our thinking and behaviour.


Today's topic is redundancies.

We use redundancies in our speech all the time. Here are some common examples:

1. honest truth

Well, if the truth isn't honest, then what is it?

2. tuition fee

Tuition is a fee, so why do we need to say "fee"?

3. forewarn

Why is that word even necessary? One always warn someone beforehand, not after the fact. Wouldn't "warn" suffice?

4. bare naked

Hey, I think most people know this is a redundancy. They just like saying it. That's why a certain Canadian band chose it as part of their name.


On this day in 1239, King Edward I of England was born. Edward had two nicknames. He was called "Longshanks" because of his long arms and legs, He was tall for aman of his time, over 6 feet. His second nickname was "Hammer of the Scots" because of his ongoing determination to battle Scotland.

Edward I conquered Wales and made his son the first Prince of Wales. He is also notorious for doing something absolutely egregious to the minds of most 21st century persons. In 1290, Edward I issued an edict expelling all Jews from England. The edict lasted for the duration of the Middle Ages and was not formally overturned until the year 1656.


The Blue Jays finally won a series from a National League team as they defeated the San Diego Padres yesterday by a score of 7-1. They finish their 9-game road trip with a mediocre 3-6 record.

Edwin EncarnaciĆ³n does not look good at third base for the Jays. The team desperately needs an upgrade at third. I'm sure General Manager Alex Anthopoulos is quite aware of the situation and will act accordingly.

- Joanne