Toronto Blue Jays

Sunday, September 12, 2010


The Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) is in full swing right now. I have to say I am very proud that such a fine film festival is taking place in my city. Since its inception in 1976, this festival has grown into one of the most prestigious and respected in the world.

I have tickets for two TIFF films next weekend. Since I am a Bruce Springsteen fan, I am going to see The Promise: The Making of Darkness on the Edge of Town. The second film I am going to view is West is West, a coming-of age story about a 15-year-old boy named Sajid. It is the sequel to East is East.

I am a film buff and I intend to write more on movies in future entries in my blog.


On September 12, 1953, Senator John F. Kennedy, 36, of Massachusetts married Jacqueline Lee Bouvier, 24. The wedding took place at St. Mary’s Church in Newport, Rhode Island. According to the JFK Presidential Library and Museum, twelve hundred people were invited to the wedding reception at Hammersmith Farm, where Jackie had spent many summers with her family.

To view a video of the wedding, click the following link.

It is interesting to note that Sir Winston Churchill married Clementine Ogilvy Hozier on September 12, 1908 at St. Margaret’s Church, Westminster Abbey in London. (Since it stands between Westminster Abbey and the British Houses of Parliament, St. Margaret’s is commonly referred to as "the parish church of the House of Commons").

Hmmm . . . .John F. Kennedy and Churchill had the same wedding anniversary, albeit the Kennedys were married 45 years after the Churchills.


Yesterday was a bad day for Toronto sports teams. The Blue Jays were pounded by the Tampa Bay Rays. The final score was Tampa Bay 13, Blue Jays 1. Toronto starter Ricky Romero had a bad outing. Romero (12-9) allowed six runs, three hits and three walks in four innings.

Meanwhile, the Toronto Argonauts lost to the B.C. Lions in Vancouver. The score was 36-16 for the Lions.

- Joanne