Toronto Blue Jays

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Why this Torontonian loves Maritime Canada

SUNDAY, AUGUST  14, 2011

Consider this my paeon of praise to the Maritimes, a .love letter to Maritime Canadians m someone who has lived in Toronto her entire life.  I have only one direct link to the Maritimes.  My uncle married a wonderful woman from Cape Breton Islnad.

Thank you Nova Scotia for Sidney Crosby of Cole Harbour and Anne Muuay of Springhill.  Thank you for The Blue Nose and Peggy's Cove.  Thank you for the Cabot Trail, a taste of the Scottish Highlands in Canada. 

Thank you Prince Edward Island for Lucy Maud Montgomery, Anne of Green Gables and P.E.I. potatoes.  Thank you for being the Cradle of Confederation where the idea of a country called Canada was conceived at the Charlottetown Conference of 1864.

Thank you New Brunswick foe your Acadian heritage and culture.  Thank for the famed Reversing Falls and Magnetic Hill.

Oh yes, thanks Maritimers, for your seafood, especially the clam chowder.

I am writing this from the beautiful city of Halifax, Nova Scotia where my husband and I are vacationing this week.  I will keep you posted in the days ahead and I will share pictures with you.  We are leaving for Prince Edward Island tomorrow.

- Joanne