Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, August 22, 2011

Enchanting Prince Edward Island and Cavendish Beach

MONDAY,  AUGUST 22, 2011

I have just returned from a visit to the Maritimes.  In Prince Edward Island, my husband and I stayed at a cottage in Cavendish.  Although I've been to P.E.I. before, I never stop tiring of its natural beauty.  More and more, I realize why Lucy Maud Montgomery was so enamoured of her island home.

Cavendish Beach enchanted me with its red sandstone cliffs.  Here are some photos I took of the beach on a delightfully sunny day.  We were fortunate to enjoy such ideal weather during our visit.  We were told that it was the first week of really good weather they had had all summer.


Below are some other pictures taken in the Cavendish area.  They illustrate the lush greenness of the island.

We visited Prince Edward Island National Park where the Anne of Green Gables house is located.  Below are some photos of Lucy Maud Montgomery beloved Balsam Hollow Trail and Haunted Wood Trail.

Haunted Wood Trail

- Joanne