Toronto Blue Jays

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Fighting has no place in hockey


David Johnston

"Hockey I think is a wonderful ... tribute to Canada. It's a game that's vigorous, it is our outdoors, we take advantage of winter.

"I call it the beautiful game because it is the fastest game in the world."

"The intricacy of the play ... combines both a virtuosity of individual efforts but always as part of a team."

David Johnston
Governor General of Canada
CBC interview with Evan Solomon

Three cheers for David Johnston, the Governor General of Canada.  He isn't afraid to challenge the good old boys and their precious "code."  Although he didn't  mention any names, Johnston publicly disagreed with the neanderthal views of Don Cherry, Brian Burke, Mike Milbury and their ilk.  He dared to say that fighting, like headshots, shouldn't be part of the game.  What a breath of fresh air!  

The Governor General can not be accused of a lack of hockey knowledge and experience.  Born in Sudbury, Ontario, Johnston was an accomplished player during his youth.  As a teenager, he played on a 17-and-under team in Sault Ste. Marie with future NHL stars, Phil and Tony Esposito.  After suffering three concussions by the age of 16, he was persuaded to wear a helmet by his doctor.  Wearing a helmet was not a popular choice in those days.  It took courage and Johnston must have endured a great deal of criticism for it.  He was probably called a lot of derogatory names and his masculinity must have been severely questioned.

In the mid-1960s, David Johnston attended Harvard University and was an outstanding player for the Harvard team.  In fact, he was elected twice to the all-American Hockey Team and is a member of Harvard's Atheletic Hall of Fame.  During his university days, Johnston became a friend and jogging partner of  future best-selling novelist, Erich Segal.  When Segal wrote Love Story, he based a minor character named "Davey Johnson," a player on the Harvard hockey team, after his colleague.

I am pleased that our Governor General spoke his mind.  It's about time someone challenged Donald S. Cherry and the other good old boys.  It's about time someone refuted their oft-cited argument that fighting is part of the game.  Even The Great One, Wayne Gretzky, towed the "good old boy" party line when asked about fighting in hockey.  David Johnston refused to do so.  In his interview with the CBC's Evan Solomon, Johnson made the following statement.

What other sports say (fighting) is a part of the game?  Least of all in this game, because the essence of this game is the speed and the skill and the playmaking.

Yes indeed!  What other professional team sport tolerates fighting?  The NBA certainly doesn't.  Major League Baseball doesn't.  The NFL doesn't.  As for football (soccer), forget it !  Any of that nonsense and you get a red card.  That means you're out of the game and your team is one player short for the remainder of the match.

Why should the NHL accept fighting when the other sports don't?  I don't believe it should, but whenever I express my opinion on hockey violence, some males roll their eyes in a patronizing fashion as if to say, "What does a girl know about it?"  Then they invariably ask me whether I stand up with great excitement and interest when there is a fight.  They hope that I will admit that I do, but the  truth is that I never stand up and cheer a hockey fight.  I sit down because hockey fights are boring and a waste of time and energy.

Let's make one thing clear.  I am not advocating non-contact hockey.  I'm just saying there is no room for fights, headshots and high sticks.  Does the NHL need to risk losing any more skilled players such as Sidney Crosby?  Make no mistake, Sid the Kid's future in hockey is in terrible jeopardy.  There's a strong chance that his career may be over at the age of 24.  If he plays again, it is doubtful that he can ever play as effectively with the possibility of another concussion hanging over his head.

As for the so-called enforcers, they should be come as extinct as the dinosaurs.  "Enforcer" is just a euphemism for goon.  The hockey world has seen ample proof that being a goon causes scrambled brains and premature death.  Perhaps some misguided men are willing to sacrifice their health and welfare for large sums of money, but that does not mean we should allow them to do it?  Being a goon is a dishonourable and shameful way to earn a living.

Unfortunately, it is difficult to make any progress in reforming the game when one is up against the mindset of people such as Toronto Maple Leafs General Manager Brian Burke.  Burke recently whined and lamented having to send goon Colton Orr down to minors in order to maintain a more skilled lineup.  The way Burke carried on, you'd have thought he had lost his most productive scorer for the season.  You'd have thought he had made the most painful decision of his life.

I much prefer the mindset of Governor General David Johnston who commented that a number of things can be done to minimize the risk of concussions to star players like Sidney Crosby.  Let me end with Johnston's statement about the steps that need to be taken.

Those steps include redesigning hard-plastic equipment so it is less dangerous, eliminating head shots and high-sticking and fourthly, I think fighting is just . . . it should not be part of the game.

Amen to that and thank you, Your Excellency.

- Joanne

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Tim Thomas snubs Obama. Not classy!


Tim Thomas is the 37-year-old goaltender for the Stanley Cup champion Boston Bruins.  Last season, he won the Conn Smythe Trophy as the NHL's outstanding player in postseason play.  Thomas is also a two-time Vezina Trophy winner for his superior net minding.  He has spent his entire NHLhockey career in Boston and he was a member of the U.S. men's hockey team at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver.

Born in Flint, Michigan, Thomas is one of two American players on the Bruins.  Recently he found himself embroiled in controversy when he refused to attend a celebration of Boston's Stanley Cup victory at the White House with U.S. President Barack Obama.  The event took place on January 23rd and Thomas was the only member of the team who was not present.

Boston Bruins President Cam Neeley stated that the organization was "disappointed" in its veteran goalie.  Neeley cited Thomas's "own opinions and political beliefs" as the reason for his failure to attend the White House event and General Manager Peter Chiarelli said that Thomas would not face disciplinary actions.  Thomas himself provided an explanation for his behaviour on his official Facebook page where he wrote the following message.

I believe the Federal government has grown out of control, threatening the Rights, Liberties, and Property of the People.

This is being done at the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial level. This is in direct opposition to the Constitution and the Founding Fathers vision for the Federal government.

Because I believe this, today I exercised my right as a Free Citizen, and did not visit the White House. This was not about politics or party, as in my opinion both parties are responsible for the situation we are in as a country. This was about a choice I had to make as an INDIVIDUAL.
"This is the only public statement I will be making on this topic. TT

Tim Thomas, of course, has every right to his political beliefs, although I believe them to be severely misguided.  As an American citizen, he can show his disagreement with Barack Obama by voting against the president on November 6.  He has the freedom to protest and to express his opinions in so many ways.  Why he chose to boycott a good-natured and innocuous celebration of his team's Stanley Cup championship is unfathomable to me.  It was not the time or the place to express political dissent.

As regular readers of Number 16 know, I do not agree with the policies of Prime Minister Stephen Harper.  If, however, I were invited to a charitable or celebratory event in Ottawa hosted by our prime minister, I would not hesitate to attend.

In his Facebook statement, Tim Thomas said his absence at the White House celebration was "not about people or politics or party."  Yet I think he was being disingenuous.  If a conservative Republic had been in the White House, I believe he would have attended the event.  His Facebook remarks reveal Thomas to be a radical right winger, a Tea Party type.  Thomas have different political views than President Obama, but he should respect the office of the presidency.

As a Canadian, I am bewildered why so many Americans are afraid of government per se.  Barack Obama simply believes that government can be a force for good.  That does not make him a revolutionary communist.  In his State of the Union speech, Obama came out swinging.  Remember how he pointed out that if it were not for government, the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge would not have been built during the Great Depression.

In his Facebook comments, Tim Thomas capitalized the word individual.  Conservatives certainly have a great fondness for the word "individual."  While it is true that individual liberty and individual responsibility are important to a healthy society, citizens also have to work together for a purpose.  The problem with conservatives is that they tend to forget about the word "community."  The best societies are a combination of both individuality and a sense of community.  A society with only one and not the other is destined to be severely flawed.

I say thumbs down to Tim Thomas on this issue.  His behaviour was not classy at all.  It was petty and small-minded.  That's why Deval Patrick, the Governor of Massachusetts, described Thomas's conduct as an example of America's lack of  "basic courtesy and grace."  Tim may have a good goaltending record, but he needs to learn some manners.

- Joanne

Friday, January 20, 2012

U.S. Presidents and First Ladies Quiz #2


Number 16 presents its second U.S. Presidents and First Ladies Quiz (the first one was posted on July 11, 2011 and you can find it by pressing the QUIZ tab above).  Are you ready to test your knowledge?  Then, let's go!


1.  What is the name of the only film that Ronald and Nancy Reagan appeared in together during their acting careers?

A.  Bedtime for Bonzo

B.  Storm Warning

C.  Hellcats of the Navy

D.  The Girl from Jones Beach

E.  This is the Army

2.  Who was the first American First Lady to vote in a presidential election?

A.  Florence Harding

B.  Edith Wilson

C.  Grace Coolidge

D.  Lou Hoover

E.  Helen Taft

3.  Which U.S. President was an accidental bigamist?

A.  William Henry Harrison

B.  James Monroe

C.  Grover Cleveland

D.  Andrew Jackson

E.  John Tyler

4. Who was the last president to own slaves.?

A. Thomas Jefferson

B. Franklin Pierce

C. Zachary Taylor

D.  James Buchanan

E. Millard Fillmore

5.  Mary Todd Lincoln had an accident in 1863. What kind of accident did she have?

A.  She slipped on some ice on a cold day in Washington, D.C.

B.  She suffered some burns when a lamp fell over.

C.  She fell down some stairs at the White House and hit her head.

D.  She was thrown from her carriage and knocked unconscious.

E.  Her hands were caught in a drawer and she broke some bones.

6.  Was Theodore Roosevelt related to Eleanor Roosevelt.

A.  Yes, he was Eleanor's grandfather.

B.  Yes, he was Eleanor's uncle.

C.  No, they were not related.

D.  Yes, he was her older half-brother.

E.  Yes, he was Eleanor's cousin.

7.  Which U.S. President had the reputation of being a man of few words?

A,  Abraham Lincoln

B.  James Knox Polk

C.  Benjamin Harrison

D.  William Howard Taft

E.  Calvin Coolidge

8.  What was President Franklin Roosevelt's hobby?

A.  Stamp collecting

B.  Photography

C.  Building model ships and airplanes

D.  Numismatics (collecting coins and paper money)

E.  Playing bridge

9.  Which statement is true about Dolley Madison, wife of James Madison, the 4th President of the United States?

A.  Dolley Madison was born in Virginia.

B.  Dolley Madison was raised in the Quaker faith.

C.  Dolley Madison was a renowned pastry maker.

D.  Dolley Madison was known for her beautiful singing voice.

E.  Dolley Madison was 20 years old when she married James Madison.

10.  Which First Lady was declared insane and sent to a sanitarium?

A.  Elizabeth Monroe

B.  Louisa Adams

C.  Sarah Polk

D.  Letitia Christian Tyler

E.  Mary Todd Lincoln


1.  C

Ronald and Nancy Reagan appeared in Hellcats of the Navy, a 1957 World War II submarine film.  It was released in 1957 and Reagan's wife billed as Nancy Davis, her professional name.

2.  A

In 1920, Florence Harding, wife of Warren G. Harding, became the first American First Lady to cast a vote for President of the United States.  The 19th Amendment of the United States Constitution, which guaranteed American women the vote, was ratified on August 18, 1920,

Florence Harding

3.  D

Andrew Jackson, the 7th President of the United States, unwittingly became a bigamist.  In 1791, many years before his election to the presidency, Jackson married a young woman named Rachel Robards.  They lived together as husband and wife for two years before discovering that Rachel's first husband, Lewis Robards, had never actually completed their divorce.  This meant that Rachel's marriage to Andrew Jackson was invalid and that she was still technically married to Lewis Robards.  Robards finally obtained a divorce in 1793 and Andrew and Rachel wed in Nashville in 1794.

Andrew Jackson

Rachel Jackson

4.  C

Zachary Taylor, the 12th President of the United States (1849-1850), was the last president to own slaves.  Nevertheless, many Southerners were upset with Taylor's moderate position on the expansion of slavery and his opposition to Southern sectionalism.

5.  D

On July 2, 1863, Mary Todd Lincoln was injured in a carriage accident just outside of Washington, D.C.   She was thrown to the ground and her head hit a rock.

6.  B

Theodore Roosevelt was Eleanor Roosevelt's uncle.  He was the older brother of Eleanor's father, Elliott Roosevelt.  Eleanor's maiden name was the same as her married name because she and her husband, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, were distant cousins.  When Eleanor married Franklin, on March 17, 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt gave her away in place of her deceased father.

7.  E

Calvin Coolidge, 30th President of the United States, was a man of few words and his nickname was Silent Cal.  There is a story that columnist Dorothy Parker once approached then-Vice President Coolidge at a dinner party.  She told him that she had bet against someone who said it was impossible to get more than two words out of the Vice President.  Coolidge is said to have famously replied, "You lose."

8.  A

FDR was an avid stamp collector and he had an extensive collection.

9.  B

Dolley Madison was born into the Quaker faith.  She was expelled after marrying James Madison because he was an Episcopalian.  She attended Episcopalian services with her husband and was confirmed in the faith on July 15, 1845 at St. John's Church in Washington, D.C.

10.  E

On May 20, 1875, a decade after her husband's assassination, Mary Todd Lincoln was committed by trial (on the petition of her son, Robert) to Bellevue Place, a psychiatric hospital in Batavia, Illinois.  Mrs. Lincoln was eventually released into the custody of her sister, Elizabeth Edwards.

- Joanne

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dr. Banting and insulin: Canada's gift to the world


Dr. Frederick Banting

Insulin is not a cure for diabetes; it is a treatment.  It enables the diabetic to burn sufficient carbohydrates, so that proteins and fats may be added to the diet in sufficient quantities to provide energy for the economic burdens of life.

- Dr. Frederick G. Banting
'Diabetes and Insulin', Nobel Lecture, September 15, 1925, in Nobel Lectures: Physiology or Medicine 1922-1941 (1965), p. 68

Ninety years ago today, on January 11, 1922, insulin was injected into a human being for the first time during a clinical test at the University of Toronto.  Dr. Banting, a 30-year-old Canadian endocrinologist, administered bovine insulin to a 14-year-old boy named Leonard Thompson.  The boy initially suffered an allergic reaction.  Two weeks later at Toronto General Hospital, the boy was given a second injection of a more purified extract  (made by trained biochemist Dr. James Collip).  This time the result proved successful.

The scientists injected other diabetic children with their extract.  They were delighted as previously comatose children awakened from their comas.  The extract was continually improved and enough insulin was produced to meet the hospital's demand.  It wasn't until pharmaceutical maker Eli Lilly came to Banting's assistance, however, that insulin was made readily available to the public..  A deal was struck with the drug company and pure refined insulin was mass produced.

Banting  and his three colleagues agreed not to patent their discovery.  Instead, they sold the rights to the University of Toronto for $1 in order to ensure its accessibility to the greatest number of people at the lowest cost.  In so doing, the group forfeited a great deal of personal wealth but helped to save the lives of millions of diabetics.

Frederick Grant Banting was born on November 14, 1891 in a farm house in Alliston, Ontario.  He was the youngest of the five children of William Thompson Banting, a well-established farmer, and his wife, Margaret Grant Banting, who had immigrated to Canada from Ireland.  Young Fred attended the University of Toronto and graduated from medical school in 1916.  During World War I, Banting served as a medical officer in France where he was wounded and decorated for valour (he won the Military Cross for heroism under fire in 1919).  After the war, he completed his training as an orthopedic surgeon and set up a medical practice in London, Ontario.

In October of 1920, after reading a paper on diabetes in a medical journal, Banting became intrigued.  The article indicated that diabetes was caused by a the lack of a protein hormone (insulin) secreted in the pancreas (the jelly-like gland that secrets digestive fluids).  At the time, the only identified treatment for the disease's blood sugar imbalance was diet and exercise.  Diabetics faced amputation of limbs, blindness and premature death.  Banting formulated an idea for research to help fight the disease.

Banting's hypothesis involved isolating the internal secretion of the pancreas.  He recalled from his medical school lectures that this secretion regulated sugar in the bloodstream.  Isolating the secretion, he surmised, might lead to successful treatment of diabetes.

Determined to investigate his theory, Banting approached Dr. John J. Richard. McLeod, Professor of Physiology at the University of Toronto and an authority on diabetes.  In May of 1921, the University of Toronto gave Dr.Banting permission to go ahead with his experimentation under the supervision of Dr. McLeod.  McLeod provided laboratory space for Banting's research and he appointed Charles Best, a medical student, to be his assistant. 

Banting and Best began their work in the dingy little lab on the top floor of the university's medical building.  They first tested insulin on animals. The two doctors managed to isolate insulin in the pancreas of diabetic dogs and were pleased to observe that their extract had lowered the blood level of several of the dogs.  These favourable results were a boon to further research.

In December of 1921, Dr. McLeod invited biochemist James Collip to join Banting and Best's team. With Collip's assistance, the researchers conceived of a method of extracting and purifying insulin from the pancreas of cattle.  Then to determine its safety for humans, Banting and Best injected fluid into their own veins.  After experiencing no ill effects, they proceeded to administer the pancreatic extract to the diabetic Leonard Thompson.

Leonard was at death's door when he came to Banting and Best.  His ravaged body was skin and bones and he was about to slip into a coma.  After the second injection of insulin, the teenager's blood sugar returned to normal and he appeared brighter.  Thompson lived another 13 years with the help of insulin and died in 1935 at the age of 27 due to complications from diabetes.

It is interesting to note that Elizabeth Hughes, daughter of American politician Charles Evans Hughes, was one of the first persons to be treated with insulin.  She regained her health and lived to the age of 73.  Elizabeth gave birth to three children (two daughters and a son) and enjoyed time with her grandchildren before dying in 1981.

Frederick Banting and his colleagues won great acclaim for their achievement.  The 32-year-old Banting and his collaborator, Dr. J.J.R. McLeod, received the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. Believing that Charles Best should also receive credit, Banting shared his half of the prize with his assistant.  McLeod felt the same way about James Collip and rewarded the biochemist with half of his endowment.

Banting continued his medical research relentlessly and the Canadian government gifted him with a lifetime annuity for his work. He studied problems associated with silicosis (a form of respiratory disease).  He participated in cancer research and was active in devising a method to counteract the mechanism of drowning.

In 1924, Dr. Banting married Marion Robertson and they had one son, William, born in 1928.  The marriage ended in divorce in 1932 and Banting then wed Henrietta Ball in 1937.  In June of 1934, King George V bestowed knighthood on Frederick Banting.  Below is the certificate (signed by George V) granting F.G. Banting the title of Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire.

Banting had a strong interest in aviation and developed a workable G-suit to protect pilots during high-speed flights.  During World War II, Banting worked as a liaison officer between British and North American medical services.  He became extremely involved in aviation medicine, particularly with problems associated with flying such as blackout. 

Sadly, Frederick Banting's life was cut short on February 21, 1941 when he was killed in a plane crash near Musgrave Harbour, Newfoundland.  He was on his way to England to conduct tests on a flying suit developed by a colleague named Wilbur Franks.  At the time of his death, Banting was 49 years old.  Dr. Charles Best passed away in Toronto on May 31, 1978.  He was 79 years old.

Diabetics everywhere owe a debt of thanks to Dr. Banting, Dr. Best, Dr. McLeod and Dr. Collip for their medical research, their know how and their dedication.  Insulin users are forever linked to Canada and to my hometown, Toronto.

- Joanne

Monday, January 9, 2012

Remembering Dino, Desi and Billy


Dino, Desi and Billy were three privileged teenagers from Beverly Hills who formed a band back in 1964: The trio consisted of Dino Martin (later known as Dean Paul Martin), son of famed singer/comedian Dean Martin and his second wife, Jeanne Biegger; Desi Arnaz, Jr., son of show business legends Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz; Billy Hinsche, son of a successful real estate developer.  Dino and Billy were classmates in grammar school (Good Shepherd of Beverly Hills) along with Lucie Arnaz, Desi's older sister.  Desi Jr. was in a younger class at the same school.

Here's how Billy Hinsche described the formation of the band to Forgotten Hits, an Oldies Music Newsletter:

Dino and I were longtime best friends and classmates in grammar school and started out as a duo - just me and Dino, following the lead of Chad and Jeremy and Peter and Gordon, and both of us just playing 6 string acoustic guitars. 

It wasn't long before we realized that having a drummer would be a good idea and we should "go electric" and proceed as a trio.  We knew that Desi Arnaz, Jr. could play drums and so we asked him if he wanted to start a group with us - we asked him during lunch break out by the basketball court.  He was happy to accept the role of our drummer.

The newly formed trio performed at local neighbourhood parties.  At first they rehearsed at an outdoor playroom at the home of Lucille Ball and later at Dean Martin's home.  Dean's wife, Jeanne, was quite impressed with their music and asked Frank Sinatra to hear them play.  As Billy put it, the band "auditioned for Mr. Sinatra as he and Dean listened to us perform a few songs in the bar area of the Martin home - perfect, right?"  After the audition, Sinatra offered the boys a contract on his label, Reprise Records and they gladly accepted.

Due to their show business connections, Dino, Desi and Billy were able to obtain material from some of the top songwriters and promoters of their era such as Lee Hazelwood and Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart.  They had two hit songs to their credit before any of the three had reached the age of 15. 

In 1965, the band made the Top 40 charts with "I'm a Fool."  Later that same year, they enjoyed their second and final Top 40 success with "Not the Lovin' Kind."  On September 19, 1965, they performed on The Ed Sullivan Show.  Their appearance on that particular Sullivan show was noteworthy for two reasons.  It was the first colour broadcast of The Ed Sullivan Show and it took place at the CBS studios in Los Angeles, not in the studio in New York.

Dino, Desi and Billy continued to record until the end of the decade, but they never scored another Top 40 hit.  They released several cover songs including ones by The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Bob Dylan and Dean Martin ("Memories Are Made of This")  Although their music has been dismissed as "bubblegum," the band did manage to carved a small niche in the musical history of The Sixties.  Desi, who was only 12 when "I'm a Fool" became a hit, remarked in 1992, "We tasted the world at an early age." "People still remember us," he said.  It all came to an end, however, in 1970 when the group dissolved and the three young men went on to pursue other interests. 

Dino Martin, born in Santa Monica, California on November 17, 1951, began referring to himself as Dean Paul Martin.  An excellent athlete and Hollywood man-about-town, Dean Paul became involved in auto racing and had a tryout with the old World Football League.  He was also quite an accomplished tennis player who played for awhile on the professional tennis circuit.  His foray into acting did not fare quite as well.

The junior Dean Martin co-starred with Ali MacGraw in the 1979 tennis film Players.  It was his big screen debut and the reviews were less than enthusiastic.  From 1985 to 1986, he had a leading role as Dr. Billy Hayes on Misfits of Science, a short-lived superhero fantasy television series. 

Dean Paul was only 19 years old when he wed actress Olivia Hussey (Romeo and Juliet) on April 17, 1971.  Their son, Alexander Gunther Martin, was born on February 12, 1973 and they divorced in 1978.  The dashing young Martin then romanced an American skating sweetheart.  Not long after her victory at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, Desi Arnaz, Jr. introduced Dean Paul to Olympic gold medalist figure skater Dorothy Hamill.  The storybook couple wed in January of 1982 in a traditional church ceremony at All Saints Episcopal Church in Beverly Hills and the guest list included such celebrities as Frank Sinatra and Jimmy Connors.  Barely 21 months later, however, Dean Paul moved out of their home and he and Dorothy divorced in 1984.

An aviation enthusiast, Martin received his pilot's licence as a teenager. In 1981, he was made an officer in the California Air National Guard and eventually became a Captain.  Sadly, his life was cut short when his Air National jet plane crashed in the San Bernardino Mountains of California during a snowstorm on March 21, 1987.  Martin, 35, and his Weapons Systems Officer, Captain Ramon Ortiz, died in the accident.  Dean Paul Martin was laid to rest at the Los Angeles National Cemetery (a U.S. Veterans Affairs cemetery in L.A.).

Desi (Desi Arnaz, Jr.) was born on January 19, 1953, the exact same day that his mother gave birth to Little Ricky Ricardo on I Love Lucy.  His full name is Desiderio Arnaz IV.  From 1968 until 1971, Desi appeared appeared with his mother, Lucille Ball, and his sister, Lucie, on Here's  Lucy.  He portrayed Lucy's television son, Craig Carter. In the 1992 film Mambo Kings, Desi played the part of his own father, Desi Sr.

Desi Jr. had some well-publicized relationships with Patty Duke and Liza Minnelli and he has been married twice.  His brief first marriage to actress Linda Purl lasted from 1980 to 1981.  On October 8, 1987, he wed Amy Bargiel in Nevada.  He and Amy have an adopted daughter, Haley Arnaz (born December 17, 1976).  They reside in Boulder City, Nevada and are the owners of the Boulder Theatre, where the Boulder City Ballet Company performs.  On January 19, 2012, Desi Arnaz, Jr. will celebrate his 59th birthday.

The third member of the group, William "Billy" Hinsche, was born in Manila, Philippines on June 29, 1951.  His sister, Annie Hinsche, was the first wife of Carl Wilson of The Beach Boys.  In fact, the group's final single, "Lady Love," was co-written by Billy Hinsche and Carl's brother, Brian Wilson, The Beach Boys' leader and chief songwriter.  Hinsche has provided background vocals for Warren Zevon and toured as a keyboardist with The Beach Boys.  He met his second wife, Juliette, at a Beach Boys concert.

To watch a 2009 interview with Billy Hinsche, click on the link below.

There has been a configuration of Dino Desi and Billy called Ricci, Desi and Billy.  It features Desi Arnaz, Jr. Billy Hinsche and Ricci Martin, youngest son of Dean Martin, Sr.  They perform the band's orignial songs along with other material.  In 1996, Sundazed released a compilation of Dino, Desi and Billy's recordings titled Rebel Kind: The Best of Dino, Desi & Billy. To watch a video clip of Dino, Desi and Billy performing "I'm a Fool," click on the link below.

- Joanne

EDITOR'S UPDATE:  Billy Hinsche died of cancer on November 20, 2021.  He was 70 years old at the time of his passing.