Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, March 26, 2018

Faces of Currency Quiz

Here is a pop quiz that tests your knowledge of world currencies.  I hope you find it entertaining and challenging.  It was created by Moneypod, a trading style of Noveau Finance Ltd.  So, put on your thinking caps and good luck.  Note:  The British term "notes" is used instead of "bills."

- Joanne

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

The truth and 'fake news"

Peter Mansbridge

In this age of the Internet and "fake news," the truth is often unseen, unheard and unbelieved.  That's why I was so heartened by the words of Peter Mansbridge at the Canadian Screen Awards on March 11, 2018.  (For non-Canadians: Mansbridge is the retired chief correspondent for CBC News and anchor of The National, CBC's flagship nightly newscast.  He held that position from 1988 to 2017).  His stirring speech was inspiring.  He said things that needed to be said.  He was clear and unequivocal. 

In an era when the President of the United States has called the press the "enemy of the people," journalists need to be defended more than ever.  They are not perfect, but democracy cannot exist without a free press.

Those who support Donald Trump's views on the media should experience what it is like to live in a country where there is only state-controlled media and all news is censored.  They should live in a place where news reporters behave like robots and trained seals.  

Peter Mansbridge's words need to be read..  That's why I have posted them on by website.  See below.

- Joanne

Most of the challenges that we journalists face are not news - budget cuts, changing technologies, new platforms and the constant pressure of the 24-hour news cycle.  But journalism is under threat in a way that we haven't witnessed before  The very principle that we stand for is under attack.  Truth. Truth is under attack from those who've decided to label hard-working professional journalist who tell real stories as fake.  

Nothing is more sacred in our industry than the truth.  You cannot argue with the truth, no matter how hard you try.  So, finding it, speaking it, sharing it, is all that matters.  And we need to be prepared to risk everything to do that because power unchallenged too often becomes power abused.  So, we need to fight.  We need to fight injustice with facts and we need to battle bullies wit facts.  Not for ourselves.  We don't do this for ourselves.  We do this because we believe that when people are armed with the truth, they can make better decisions for themselves, for their communities and for the world.  The truth is what matters.  The truth is all that matters.

- Peter Mansbridge

Monday, March 12, 2018

The Problem with "LY" Adverbs

In essence, adverbs describe or modify verbs, adjectives or other adverbs.  There are several types of adverbs, which I have listed below.  A great many adverbs, especially "adverbs of manner," end in "ly."  These include words such as "quickly," "happily," and "shyly."  The trend in modern speech is to drop the "ly."  I will address this matter after the list of adverb types,


ADVERBS OF TIME describe when a particular event happened or for how long.

Examples (When)

We have heard this story before.
They haven't spoken to each other lately.
We always eat lunch together.

Example (How long)

I waited for you all day.

ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY show how often a particular event occurs.


You often forget to say thank you.
I have only met him once in my life.
They never visit their aunt.

ADVERBS OF PLACE describe where a particular event happened.


My sister is out.
He stood there for a while.
I looked up at the sky.

ADVERBS OF MANNER describe how or in what manner something happened.  Adverbs of manner consist of almost adverbs which are derived from adjectives and end in "ly."


The baby slept quietly.
He ate hungrily.
My father works hard.

ADVERBS OF DEGREE OR QUANTITY describe how much, in what degree or to what extent something happened.


It is very cold today.
She seems rather upset.
You are quite correct.

ADVERBS OF AFFIRMATION AND NEGATION show whether or not something is valid.


You are definitely wrong.
Surely you can do better than this.
We do not recognize him.

ADVERBS OF REASON show an indication of a reason or purpose for an occurrence.


He therefore was unable to go to work today.
Thus we had to cancel the dinner party.


Have you noticed how frequently English speakers are dropping the  "ly" in adverbs?.  You hear it all the time, "dress smart" instead of "dress smartly"  or "act natural" instead of "act naturally."


These are also"flat adverbs" or adverbs that assume the form of related adjectives.  "Flat adverbs do not end in "ly.'  Some examples of flat adverbs are "fast," and "high: and "hard."  One does not say "drove fastly." "jumped highly"or "worked hardly."

List of some flat adverbs


Sometimes "flat adverbs" are considered preferable as in "take it easy" and "sleep tight."  According to Merriam-Webster, flat adverbs used to be a lot more common than they are now.  In the 18th century, however, grammarians determined that adverbs should end in "ly."  Those grammarians are responsible, says Merriam-Webster, "for the sad lack of flat adverbs today."

So, you don't have to end all your adverbs in "ly."  That doesn't mean, however, that you should abandon the "ly" at leisure, even though that is becoming more and more prevalent among English speakers.

The Russian-American linguist Anatoly Liberman has described the adverb as "an endangered species in Modern English."  In an August 8, 2007 piece in his blog, "The Oxford Etymologist," Liberman writes that over the past millennium, English has discarded most of its "ancient endings."  The distinction between adverbs and adjectives , he says, is blurring and adjectives are replacing adverbs.  We often hear people say "she dances beautiful" rather than "she dances beautifully."  The adverb "easily" has become "easy" as in "he passed the test easy" rather than "he passed the test easily."

Anatoly Libman

One glaring example of this trend in speech is the preponderance of "real happy" rather than "really happy" or "real quiet" and "real quick" rather than "really quietly" or "really quickly."  It is not correct to say "She dresses real smartly" because the adverb "really" modifies the adverb "smartly."  The word "real" is an adjective.  It should modify a noun.

I must admit that I have a bias against dropping the "ly" on "really."  Phrases such as "real fast" and "real smart" grate on my ears.  They just don't sound good and they are grammatically incorrect.  I realize that language is fluid.  The way we speak is constantly evolving.  There isn't much I  can do about it.   However, that doesn't mean I have to like all of the changes.

- Joanne

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Daylight Saving Time: Florida wants it all year round

I have long been an advocate for year-round Daylight Saving Time. I've written about the subject before and I think it's an idea whose time has come.  Statistics have shown that changing the clock results in more car accidents and heart attacks.  Furthermore, combining early darkness with colder autumn weather makes little sense.  The lack of daylight is depressing for many, especially for people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  That is why I am pleased that the Florida Senate has passed a bill to maintain Daylight Saving Time all year round.

On Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 33 members of the state Senate approved the "Sunshine Protection Act." There were only two dissenters. (the House passed it 103-11 on February 14). Three Florida Republicans - Senator Greg Steuve and State Representatives Heather Fitzhagen and Jeanettte Núñez - sponsored the legislation.  According to the New York Times, the trio said they supported all-year Daylight Saving Time because it would benefit the economy, improve public safety and advance mental health.

Keep in mind that this is not yet a done deal.  There are still some hurdles to jump. The bill still has to get the green light from Florida Governor Rick Scott.  Then, an act of Congress is needed because the federal government controls time zones and daylight saving time dates.

However, if all to those obstacles are overcome, the people of Florida will not have to change their clocks again.  Florida will join two other states, Hawaii and most of Arizona, as two places that are exempt from the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (Here in Canada, most of the province of Saskatchewan observes Central Standard Time year-round).

The Sunshine State is headed in the right direction with its Daylight Savings Time legislation.  I hope it receives final approval and that other American states and Canadian provinces follow suit.  As I set my clocks to Daylight Saving Time today, my wish will be that I won't have to do so in the future.

Note: To read my previous post on Daylight Saving Time, click on the link below.

- Joanne

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

How to Become a Self-Publisher

Here's an infographic on self-publishing for authors who want their work to be noticed.  It provides advice, guidance and information for budding writers.  I hope you find it useful and interesting.  It may even help you launch your writing career.

- Joanne

How to Become a Self-Publisher by Moneypod.