Toronto Blue Jays

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Daylight Saving Time: Florida wants it all year round

I have long been an advocate for year-round Daylight Saving Time. I've written about the subject before and I think it's an idea whose time has come.  Statistics have shown that changing the clock results in more car accidents and heart attacks.  Furthermore, combining early darkness with colder autumn weather makes little sense.  The lack of daylight is depressing for many, especially for people who suffer from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD).  That is why I am pleased that the Florida Senate has passed a bill to maintain Daylight Saving Time all year round.

On Tuesday, March 6, 2018, 33 members of the state Senate approved the "Sunshine Protection Act." There were only two dissenters. (the House passed it 103-11 on February 14). Three Florida Republicans - Senator Greg Steuve and State Representatives Heather Fitzhagen and Jeanettte Núñez - sponsored the legislation.  According to the New York Times, the trio said they supported all-year Daylight Saving Time because it would benefit the economy, improve public safety and advance mental health.

Keep in mind that this is not yet a done deal.  There are still some hurdles to jump. The bill still has to get the green light from Florida Governor Rick Scott.  Then, an act of Congress is needed because the federal government controls time zones and daylight saving time dates.

However, if all to those obstacles are overcome, the people of Florida will not have to change their clocks again.  Florida will join two other states, Hawaii and most of Arizona, as two places that are exempt from the Uniform Time Act of 1966 (Here in Canada, most of the province of Saskatchewan observes Central Standard Time year-round).

The Sunshine State is headed in the right direction with its Daylight Savings Time legislation.  I hope it receives final approval and that other American states and Canadian provinces follow suit.  As I set my clocks to Daylight Saving Time today, my wish will be that I won't have to do so in the future.

Note: To read my previous post on Daylight Saving Time, click on the link below.

- Joanne