Toronto Blue Jays

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz #1

Number 16 Vocabulary Quiz

Number 16 presents a multiple choice vocabulary quiz.  Choose the correct definition of each word listed.  There are ten words for you to define.  Ready, set, go!

1. spurious (adjective)

A.  natural

B.  not being what it purports to be, false or fake

C. suspicious in nature

D.  unusual, an anomaly

E.  that which is rejected

2.  promulgate (verb)

A.  to put down by authority or force: SUBDUE

B.  to reveal only to a chosen group

C.  to make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people by open declaration: PROCLAIM

D.  to demand money or another benefit from (someone) in return for not revealing compromising or damaging information about them: BLACKMAIL

E.  to self-publish a book

3.  sojourn (noun)

A.   a secret journey at night

B.   an unplanned vacation

C.  a morning journey

D.  a day trip

E.  a temporary stay

4.  respite (noun)

A.  a constitutional right

B.  a long hospital stay

C.  a period of temporary delay, an interval of rest or relief

D.  an act of forgiveness

E.  an act of repentance

5.  ornithology (noun)

A.  a branch of zoology dealing with birds

B.  a branch of zoology dealing with insects

C.  a branch of zoology dealing with horses

D.  a branch of zoology dealing with rabbits

E.  a branch of zoology dealing with fish

6.  festoon (verb)

A.  joke, act comically

B.  make fun of, ridicule

C.  ignore the obvious

D.  laugh uncontrollably

E.  decorate, adorn

7.  inscrutable (adjective)

A.  easy to understand or interpret

B.  impossible to understand or interpret

C.  distant, uncommunicative

D.  docile, obedient

E.  stubborn, hard-headed

8.  languid (adjective)

A.   (of a person, manner or gesture) displaying open hostility or anger toward others

B.   clear and transparent, not hidden, open and honest

C.  (of a person, manner or gesture) displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort, slow and relaxed

D.  tearful, sad, despondent

E.  painfully shy or timid, lacking confidence

9. nephrology (noun)

A.  a branch of medicine concerned with the liver

B.  a branch of medicine concerned with the intestines

C.  a branch of medicine concerned with bones

D.  a branch of medicine concerned with the kidney

E.  a branch of medicine concerned with the lungs

10. arachnophobia (noun)

A.  pathological fear or loathing of snakes

B.  pathological fear or loathing of spiders

C.  pathological fear or loathing of frogs

D.  pathological fear or loathing of ants

E. pathological fear or loathing of octopuses


(Note:  The definitions for the correct answers have been taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary or thesaurus)

1.  B
spurious (adjective): Not being what it purports to be, false or fake

2.  C
 promulgate (verb): to make (an idea, belief, etc.) known to many people by open declaration: PROCLAIM

3.  E
sojourn (noun): a temporary stay

4.  C
respite (noun):  a period of temporary delay, an interval of rest or relief

5.  A
ornithology (noun): a branch of zoology dealing with birds

6.  E
festoon (verb): decorate, adorn

7.  B
inscrutable (adjective): impossible to understand or interpret

8.  C.
languid (adjective): (of a person, manner or gesture) displaying or having a disinclination for physical exertion or effort, slow and relaxed

9.  D.
nephrology (noun) a branch of medicine concerned with the kidneys

10.  B.
arachnophobia (noun): pathological fear or loathing of spiders

- Joanne

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