Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, August 19, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz #2

Number 16 Vocabulary Quiz #2

Number 16 presents a multiple choice vocabulary quiz.  Choose the correct definition of each word listed.  There are ten words for you to define.  Ready, set, go!

1.  umbrage (noun)

A.  A large mound of garbage or refuse

B.  Leftover residue from a fire, such as ashes and burnt items

C.  Offense or annoyance, a feeling of pique or resentment at some fancied slight or insult

D.  A secret or hidden room in a mansion

E.  A leafy vegetable, most commonly found in tropical and Caribbean countries

2.  countermand (verb)

A.  To attack unexpectedly in battle

B.  To revoke a command by contrary order

C.  To spy on an other country as a double agent

D.  To unlawfully seize private property

E.   To withdraw support from a candidate during an election

3.  piscatory (adjective)

A.  of, related to a blood vessels

B.  of, related to, or dependent on pigs or pig farming

C.  of, related to animals that have fur

D.  of, related to, or dependent on fish or fishing

E.  of, related to swimming or swimming pools

4.  incontrovertible (adjective)

A.  not open to question: INDISPUTABLE

B.  that which is impossible to forget  UNFORGETTABLE

C.  that which can be changed easily

D.  that which is not portable and can not be carried around

E.   of cars, relating to sedans, not convertibles

5.  distended (adjective)

A.  postponed, delayed (as a decision)

B.  enlarged, expanded, or stretched out (as from internal pressure)

C.  shortened in length

D.  chopped up into smaller parts

E.  alone and abandoned

6.  inculcate (verb)

A.  to trespass on someone's property

B.  to invade

C.  to plunder and rob

D.  to teach by example

E.  to teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions

7.  renal (adjective)

A.  relating to the lower body

B.  of relating to, involving, or located in the region of the liver

C.  of, relating to, involving, or located in the region of the kidneys: NEPHRIC

D.  of, relating to, involving, or located in the region of the intestines or the intestines

E.   of, relating to, involving, or located in the region of the pancreas

8.  obfuscate (verb)

A.  to make obscure, to confuse

B.  to be obedient

C.  to protest loudly

D.  to be controlling

E.   to demand strongly

9.  scurrilous (adjective)

A.  unreasonable, not logical

B.  not accurate

C.  very aggressive or violent

D.  containing obscenities, abuse, or slander

E.   ridiculous

10.  autophobia (noun)

A.  morbid fear of automobiles

B.  morbid fear of robots

C.  morbid fear of movable objects

D.  morbid fear of being lost

E.   morbid fear of solitude

(Note:  The definitions for the correct answers have been taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary or thesaurus)

1.  C
umbrage (noun): Offense or annoyance, a feeling of pique or resentment at some fancied slight or insult  as in I took umbrage at the speaker's remarks

2.  B
countermand (verb): To revoke a command by contrary order: OVERRIDE, OVERRULE, VETO

3.  D
piscatory (adjective): Of, related to, or dependent on fish or fishing

4.  A
incontrovertible (adjective): Not open to question: INDISPUTABLE as in incontrovertible facts

5.  B
distended (adjective): Enlarged, expanded, or stretched out (as from internal pressure)

6.  E
inculcate (verb): To teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions as to inculcate in him high moral standards

7.  C
renal (adjective): Of, relating to, involving, or located in the region of the kidneys: NEPHRIC, as renal disease

8.  A
obfuscate (verb): To make obscure, as to obfuscate the issue; to confuse, as to obfuscate the reader

9.  D
scurrilous (adjective): Containing obscenities, abuse, or slander as in scurrilous accusations

10.  E
autophobia (noun): Morbid fear of solitude, as in the fear of being alone

- Joanne

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