Toronto Blue Jays

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Vocabulary Quiz #3 (Ten words beginning with the Letter "A")

Number 16 Vocabulary Quiz #3

Ten words beginning with the letter "A"

Number 16 presents a multiple choice vocabulary quiz.  Choose the correct definition of each word listed.  There are ten words for you to define.  Ready, set, go!

1.  angling (verb)

A.  Teasing

B.  Struggling, having difficulty

C.  The action or sport of fishing with hook and line

D.  Marching in a parade

E.  Munching on food

2.  abstruse (adjective)

A.   illegal, criminal

B.   Poverty-stricken, down and out

C.   A description for a kind of triangle

D.  Sharp, biting, acerbic

E.  Difficult to comprehend

3.  avuncular (adjective)

A.  Round, circular

B.  Suggestive of an uncle, especially in kindness or geniality

C.  Heavy, a burden, difficult to transport

D.  Uninformed, lacking knowledge

E.   Happy-go-lucky, jovial, personable, easy to get along with

4.  apostasy (noun)

A.  An act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith

B.   An act of abandoning a ship or crew, mutiny

C.   Paganism

D.  The act of betraying one's country by accepting bribery for personal and financial gain

E.  Voting in an election under false pretenses.

5.  ascertain (verb)

A.  To ignore the truth or that which is certain

B.  To conceal the truth

C.  To find out or learn with certainty

D.  To accidentally discover

E.   To argue that something is absolutely certain or true

6.  abstemious (adjective)

A.  Fasting often and for long periods

B.  Completely abstaining from drinking alcohol, as of a teetotaller

C.  Consuming a great deal of food and alcohol

D.  Marked by restraint, especially in the eating of food or the drinking of alcohol

E.  As of a person who has quit drinking due to alcoholism

7.  adherent (noun)

A.  A particular glue or sticky substance

B.  A follower of a leader, party or profession; a believer in a particular idea or church

C.  A frequent churchgoer

D.  A political protester

E.   One has always lived in the same city

8.  affront (verb)

A.  To insult especially to the face by behaviour or language, to cause offence to

B.  To shun someone by avoiding them or not responding to their phone calls or messages

C.  To become involved in a cause or a project

D.  To face someone after an awkward or embarrassing incident

E.  To imitate someone

9.  apocalyptic (adjective)

A.  Relating to an unpleasant time in one's life

B.  In sports, relating to a great contest, game or competition

C.  The performance of magic to prevent a disaster

D.  Foreboding imminent disaster or final doom

E.   The fulfilling of a great prophecy

10.  apoplexy (noun)

A.  A state of fearfulness and extreme anxiety

B.  A state of deep depression

C.  A state of intense and almost uncontrollable anger

D.  Severe acne

E.   A state of being very energetic

(Note:  The definitions for the correct answers have been taken from the Merriam-Webster dictionary or thesaurus)

1.  C
angling (verb): The action or sport of fishing with hook and line

2.  E
abstruse (adjective): Difficult to comprehend, as in "an abstruse theory or idea."

3.  B
avuncular (adjective): Suggestive of an uncle, especially in kindness or geniality

4.  A.
apostasy: An act of refusing to continue to follow, obey, or recognize a religious faith

5.  C
ascertain (verb): To find out or learn with certainty, as in "ascertain the truth."

6.  D
abstemious (adjective): Marked by restraint, especially in the eating of food or the drinking of alcohol
as in "an abstemious drinker" or "an abstemious diet."

7.  B
adherent (noun): A follower of a leader, party or profession; a believer in a particular idea or church, as in "adherents of Sigmund Freud," "adherents of conservatism," "adherents of Christianity."

8.  A
affront (verb):
To insult especially to the face by behaviour or language as in He was affronted by her rudeness.  To cause offence to, as in "laws that affront society"

9.  D
apocalyptic (adjective): Foreboding imminent disaster or final doom, as in "apocalyptic warnings," PROPHETIC

10.  C
apoplexy (noun): A state of intense and almost uncontrollable anger, as in The politician's speech caused apoplexy among the members of the audience.

- Joanne