Toronto Blue Jays

Friday, April 10, 2020

Amazing and rare historical photos #3

Here are some more rare, historical photos to entertain you as you isolate yourself at home during this horrific pandemic.  I hope they will provide a distraction for you so that you can get your mind off all the sad news.  I found these photos fascinating and I hope you do too.

This is the third of four sets of rare historical photos on Number 16.  I will be posting  the fourth and final installment of photos tomorrow.

- Joanne


Women demonstrating against Prohibition, 1932

The rarely seen back of the Hoover Dam before if filled with water 1936

Golden Gate Bridge construction, San Francisco, 1937

When the Hindenburg exploded, May 6, 1937

Children wearing gas masks while playing, 1941

Unwanted babies for sale in Italy, 1940a

Oranges for 1 cent, 1942

The famous Hollywood sign, which originally said "Hollywoodland."  The last four letters were removed in 1949.

Martin Luther King Jr, arrested outside a courtroom, 1958

Singer Freddie Mercury of Queen, 1958

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