Toronto Blue Jays

Thursday, January 7, 2021

My 2021 Wish List

 Last year I posted my personal wish list for 2020.  I promised to let you know which of my wishes came true and to write another wish list for 2021.  Here's how my 2020 wish list turned out:

Of course, when I made my 2020 wish list, I had no idea that a deadly pandemic would sweep the world.  I never dreamed that this year would be a nightmare in so many ways.  Yet, I remain hopeful for 2021 because without hope, what is there?

In January of 2020, I fervently hoped that Donald Trump would resign from office in 2020 or that he would lose the November election.  I also wished that the Republicans would lose control of the Senate, so that Mitch McConnell could no longer be called the "Grim Reaper."

Well, thankfully Trump lost the election in November, although he still refuses to go gently into that good night.  Unfortunately, McConnell was re-elected.  He won his senate seat in Kentucky.  However, much to might delight, the Democrats won control of the Senate by winning the two runoff elections in Georgia on January 5th.

I hoped that Benjamin Netanyahu would be ousted from power by Israeli voters.  Unfortunately, his is still prime minister, even after having been charged with corruption.  After Netanyahu's unity government with alternate prime minister Benny Gantz.  Gantz was set to become prime minister in November of 2021.  However, the coalition collapsed. and  new elections were scheduled for Israel on March 23, 2021.  I hope Netanyahu will finally be ousted from power then.

I  hoped that the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, Japan would be successful and that Canadian athletes would  Due to COVID, they were cancelled.  They are scheduled to take place this summer instead.  

I didn't have high expectations for the Toronto Blue Jays in 2020.  My wish was that they would have a much better record than they did in 2019.  Due to COVID, the Major League Baseball season was shortened to just 60 games.  The Blue Jays have become a young, up-and-coming team but there are still some pieces of the puzzle to be completed before they are able to really compete.  Fans wait patiently.

I lowered my expectations for the Toronto Maple Leafs in 2020.  Despite the crazy COVID season, the Blue and White still managed to disappoint.  I really don't think they will go anywhere until they stop investing so much of their payroll on four players - William Nylander, John Tavares, Mitd\h Marner and Austan Matthews.

I wished for my civility in the world.  It certainly didn't happen in the United States.  Once Trump is finally out of the White House, I expect a return a more civil atmosphere in the U.S.  

As for war and terrorism, 2020 didn't really stand out, thank goodness.  It may be because everyone was too concerned about COVID-19. 

Here is my 2021 wish list:

My biggest wish for 2021 is that COVID-19 will be brought under control around the world.  I also hope that once that goal is achieved, more attention will be turned to the environment and combatting global warming.

I hope that Joe Biden will meet his destiny with honour and become a good president.  I hope that he will restore the soul of America, as he has promised.  I want Donald Trump to be accountable for his crimes and for the damage he has done to American democracy.  If that means going to prison, so be it.  No one is above the law.

I hope that Benjamin Netanyahu is ousted from power.  

I don't want a federal election in Canada this year, not as long as the pandemic is raging.  

I hope that the Olympics will go on as scheduled this summer in Tokyo.

I hope the Toronto Blue Jays keep improving and that they will make some good moves over the winter.  I also hope that at some point in 2021 and will be able to attend a game at Rogers Centre.

I hope the Leafs make the changes needed to compete, but I have no lofty expectations for them.

I wish the best for the Canadian Football League, which was forced to cancel its 2020 season due to COVID.  I truly hope there will be a 2021 season.

As I do every year, I wish for more peace and harmony in the world.  I hope 2021 is a better year for you and your family.

In January of, 2022, I will write another wish list and I will let you know if any of my 2021 wishes came true.

- Joanne