Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, January 31, 2022

Help end this pandemic nightmare

Right wing anti-vaxxers have made made vaccination a political matter.  It is not a political matter.  It is a health matter.  The right wing anti-vaxxers like to scream and shout that their "freedom" is being taken away from them.  The have tunnel vision.  The only kind of freedom they see is individual freedom.  What they fail to acknowledge or understand is communal freedom, the freedom of the community to be protected.  Freedom is not absolute.  It must be curtailed when your "freedom' harms others and places their health and well-being at risk.

We've lived with this COVID nightmare for two years now.  If we don't protect the poorest and most vulnerable people in countries around the world, this pandemic will linger.  There will be variant after variant.  I urge everyone, unless you have a valid medical exemption, to get two doses and a booster.

How much longer must we endure this pandemic nightmare?  I encourage my fellow Canadians to do the following.  Please take action.  

Email the Federal Minister of International Development Harjit Sajjan and inspire him to take leadership on vaccinating the world.  The email address is

Please add your own words to the following text!

Dear Hon. Harjit Sajjan

I am writing to you to encourage you to take immediate action to end the pandemic everywhere, because we know that no one is safe until everyone is safe.

We cannot stop variants of concern until there is global vaccine equity. 

The next variant is preventable.

The next lockdown is preventable.

As Minister of International Development and a member of the cabinet committee for Canada and the World, you are in a unique and crucial leadership position to ensure the Federal government shares resources, knowledge, and doses with developing countries. You have a vital task before you. The world needs Canada to step up now.

I want Canada to commit to doing its fair share on the global stage to end the pandemic. The next variants are preventable if we act now.

Please do everything you can to get Canada to commit an additional $ 1.1 billion to support developing countries with their vaccination programmes and to help them face further waves. Canada should also immediately support a TRIPS waiver on COVID vaccine and treatment technology.

Thank you,





To those in countries outside of Canada, please urge your politicians and decision makers to do the same.  There is only one world and we are all members of the human race.  

- Joanne