Toronto Blue Jays

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Sand sculpture at Canadian National Exzhibition (CNE)


Last Sunday, I visited the CNE and I viewed a sand sculpture in the Better Living Centre.  This year's theme is endangered animals.  The 14 endangered species featured on the sculpture are as follows:

Sumatran Tiger - Sumatra (Indonesia)

Golden Lion - Tamarin - Brazil

California Condor - North America

Blue Throated Macaw- Bolivia

Black Rhino - Africa

African Elephant - Africa

Blue Fin Tuna - Oceans

Hawkbill Sea Turtle - Oceans

Orangutan - Borneo

Pangolin - Africa, Asia

Western Lowland Gorilla - Congo, Cameroon, Gabon

Monarch Butterfly - North America

Polar Bear - Canada, Russia, Norway, Greenland, United States

Beluga Whale - Arctic Ocean


About the artist

Karen and Star Trek sculture - 2016  Photo by Chris Robart 

Karen Fralich is a Canadian artist known for sand sculpting.  She is based in Guelph, Ontario and has been creating sand structures for 28 years.  To  date, Karen has competed in over 150 Masters Level International sand sculpture contests, winning 27 First Place Titles,  Karen is a five-time world champion sand sculptor.  One of her first commissioned pieces was a 500-tonne replica of the Emerald City from The Wizard of Oz.

Karen is a globetrotting sand sculptor and her work takes her all over the world.  She has collaborated with friends, festivals and companies in 11 different countries.  

In 2020 and 2021, Kareen served as of two resident judges on Season 1 and Season 2 of CBC's Race Against the Tide.

- Joanne

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