Toronto Blue Jays

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Bravo to Rogers for subway cell phone deal

 "We know safety is top of mind for Torontonians.  Residents and visitors expect wireless connectivity when they're travelling on the TTC's subway system."

- Press release from Ron McKenzie, Rogers' chief technological and information officer 

To be honest, I have my issues with Rogers Communications.  For one thing, it has too much of a monopoly on the media and telecommunications in Canada.  Still, I must give credit where credit is due.  Congratulations and kudos to Rogers for agreeing to a deal that will allow it to take over wireless service on Toronto's subway network.  The deal could finally allow cell phone coverage to the city's entire underground.  The giant telecommunications company has purchased the Canadian operations of BAI Communications Inc, the company that was given the contract back tin 2012.  

Kudos and congratulations also to the Toronto Star for its advocacy of cell phone service on Toronto's subway. I am sure the bad publicity played a role in Rogers' decision.  Big corporations don't want to appear as if that they are putting profit before public safety.  They are mindful of their reputations.

This Rogers deal is good news, but it is still not clear whether it will apply to all subway riders or just Rogers' customers.  Nevertheless, it's s a huge step in the right direction.  I have to admit, I didn't think it would happen so soon/  Clearly, Rogers has stepped up to the plate before Bell and Telus.

- Joanne

Language Corner: Funny words


Hello Number 16 Readers

I thought you might enjoy these observations about words from "The Laughing Librarian."  English is a crazy language, isn't it?

- Joanne