Toronto Blue Jays

Monday, March 11, 2024

Warning Signs of a Cult

All the warning signs in this list apply to dictators such as North Korea's "Dear Leader," Kim Jong Un.  However, they also apply to Donald Trump and his political party, the former Republican Party.  It might as well be renamed the Trump Party.  It is a cult and Trump has complete control of it.

Trump ally, Michael Whatley, and his daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, have taken control of the so-called Republican National Committee (RNC),  Lara is the wife of Trump's son Eric.  She is now co-char of the Trump National Committee, while Michael Wheatly is the chair.  Donald Trump, of course, endorsed both of them.  Do you think they will dare question him or refuse to do his bidding?  If you do, you must be ready to buy some swampland in Florida.  

The fact is that Donald Trump has complete control and a total grip on the former Republican Party.  This, my friends, is a sad state of affairs for American democracy.  The hope is that someday a new conservative party, one that is democratic and respects the rule of law, will rise out of the ashes of this cult.

- Joanne

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