Monday, October 21, 2024

November 5th: The most important election in American history

Donald J. Trump is a sick man.  One doesn't have to be a doctor to realize that he is in serious cognitive decline.  The evidence is overwhelming and becoming clearer every day.  The man does not speak coherently.  He slurs.  His thoughts wander and he cannot complete a sentence without going off on a tangent.  His behaviour is becoming increasingly the day.  He has imitated duck sounds.  He continues to spout nonsense about Hannibal Lector and immigrants eating cats and dogs.  He's made vulgar comments about Arnold Palmer's genitalia.  This is not just "Trump being Trump."  This is an unstable 78-year-old man who is running for the highest office in the United States.  Can you imagine if Kamala Harris or Joe Biden behaved in this manner?

Trump's own niece, Mary Trump is a clinical psychiatrist.  As a member of the Trump family, she grew up with him.  She understands why her uncle is the way he is, and she has repeatedly called him out.  Why doesn't the corporate media do the same?  Why has his conduct been normalized.  The president of the United States must think clearly in order to protect American citizens.  An unhinged man such as Donald Trump is not capable of doing so.  He poses a grave threat to America and to the free world, including concerned Canadians like myself.  

Of course Trump denies that he has cognitive issues.  He sees it as a weakness and he won't admit the truth.  That's why he refuses to be transparent about his health.  He spouts nonsense about having aced two cognitive tests.  His family has not intervened.  They should show concern about his health, but they won't.  Perhaps they are too afraid of the consequences of defying him.

I have not even mentioned yet the danger Trump would pose to the world order with his admiration for dictators such as Vladimir Putin of Russia and Kim Jong Un of North Korea.  His authoritarian tendencies are clear.  He does not believe in democracy.  That's why conservative Republicans must put country ahead of party.  This is not a normal election.  It is not a campaign between right wing and left wing.  It is a contest between democracy and autocracy.  It is a test of the strength of America's democratic ideals.  The stakes are extraordinarily high.  

The November 5th election is just around the corner.  It will be the most consequential election in American history.  Early voting and mail-in voting has already begun.  I urge my American friends to get out and vote to preserve American democracy.  I urge male voters not to be fooled by Trump's image as a tough macho man.  Like any bully, he is weak inside, where it really counts.  He has to put others down to raise himself up.  He must be defeated at the ballot box.

- Joanne