Toronto Blue Jays

About Number 16

My name is Joanne Madden and I was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. For three decades, I worked as a researcher and archivist at the library of the Toronto Star, the largest news Canada.

The purpose of this blog is to express my thoughts and share them with you. My intention is to connect with the readers of Number 16. Number 16 is an outlet for me and it is my fervent hope that you will enjoy reading it, that you will find it stimulating, interesting and thought-provoking. I will address my readers affectionately as Sixteeners. Sixteen has always been my favourite number and my birthday is July 16th.

* I have many interests and I hope to share them with you. I also hope to express my opinions clearly and concisely. Some of my favourite subjects are history, politics, philosophy and current events. I am an inveterate newspaper reader.

* I enjoy trivia, quotations and poetry.

* Of course, I am a bibliophile and enjoy literature and literary references. I am also a person who has a great interest in words, language, speech, grammar and vocabulary.  I have tutored English as a Second Language.

* I have self-published two novels.  For my author's page, please click Joanne Madden – Author,

* I really enjoy films and can often be found watching movies.

* I enjoy sports, especially baseball and hockey. I am an ardent Toronto Blue Jays fan.

* Since I like to travel when I have the opportunity, I will share some of my travel experiences with you on this blog.

Number Sixteen will always be a work in progress. I want it to evolve constantly.

Thank you for sharing with me,

- Joanne