Toronto Blue Jays

Contact Me

Your comments, questions and suggestions are most welcome and much appreciated. I need feedback and would enjoy hearing from you. You can reach me at the following email address :

- Joanne


  1. Got a big smile on my face when I saw you named your site "16" ... that number is burnt into my skull because growing up, its was my Dad's go to answer when he didn't want to answer or didn't know the answer to his son's questions ... when will we get to Disneyland? ... 16 ... why is the moon full? ... 16 ... etc. ... thanks for the info provided on your blog about Corazon Amurao (I have an amateur crime blog called homebrewedmojo).


  2. Your gator vs croc Q&A is full of misinformation. See an authority explain:
    Your anti-Trump diatribe is also misinformed. It's China stooge Biden we can't afford to elect. After 8 years of him & Harris the USA would be just a place on the map where a nation used to be. No doubt that would please Canadian anarchists.
